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Sharpening in action at Kult of Athena

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Dear Kult of Athena Fans –

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We need to provide another update on sharpening and shipping.

Unfortunately, our team was hit by Covid last week. We are thankful that our affected team members and their families seem to have mild symptoms and are recovering. Our remaining staff, including those that are vaccinated, are working split shifts, continue to keep a distance from each other, and putting in overtime.

We continue to work to respond to your questions, provide updates, and sharpen and ship your orders as quickly as possible. We are also working with our suppliers to drop ship some orders, a practice that we generally try to avoid. The upside of drosphipping is that you will receive orders more quickly. The downside is that, while our suppliers are very good and keep quality top-of-mind., we pride ourselves on our internal quality checks, and want to keep those in place as often as possible. Additionally, not every supplier can drop ship, and any order that includes sharpening cannot drop ship.

You have been very supportive as we hire and train additional team members. Another employee starts tomorrow to join the effort, making a total of five new hires since February.

Thank you for  support and patience as we get back to speed as quickly as possible.

Stay healthy as the pandemic – hopefully – winds down.


9 responses to “COVID Delay”

  1. Yikes! I’m glad no one got seriously ill.
    Thanks for working hard to get my order out this week. I really appreciate it!!!

  2. Uffda! Thank you for the update! Take care of yourselves! We’re not going anywhere :) I’m sure everyone is in full support of you all taking care of your health as a priority vs getting their item/s on time. Better late than never!

  3. Glad everyone is doing alright. I was wondering why my order hadn’t arrived. Stay safe guys.

  4. Thank you for the update! I wish I lived closer, I could offer my services. I know if I worked for you guys, you wouldn’t have to worry about me getting covid, since I already had it. Didn’t know you guys have been having trouble since February. Thank you all at Kult for the hard work your putting in!

  5. That’s terrible I hope you all make a speedy recovery. And geez I just e-mailed you about an order a few days ago, I apologize, but I wondered if something like this had happened. You guys are great so take care and God bless.

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